FAQ: Discounts
Yes, school pupils, students and apprentices undergoing education or training at a recognised Swiss educational establishment can take out a student subscription. The student subscription is available for members up to their 29th birthday who spend at least 50 per cent of their time studying and whose student ID is valid at the start of the subscription (identification must be provided).
Yes, the STUcard discount of CHF 150 is granted up to the 30th birthday. This discount can only be cumulated with the prepayment subscription.
Yes, provided you have reached official pension age (65 years for men, 64 years for women) by the start of the subscription. Identification must also be provided. The prices for the pensioner’s subscription can be found here.
Yes, provided you can present valid disability identification at the beginning of the subscription. The prices for the disability subscription can be found here.
As a new member, we will credit you with up to three months of your existing membership with a competitor. This offer applies only to new subscriptions taken out at the normal price (no promotional prices).
No. Discounts on the subscription cannot be combined, neither with promotional offers (e.g. from StuCard), nor with the loyalty bonus or with other discounts.