Swiss Olympic and ACTIV FITNESS campaign for mental and social strength

In collaboration with Swiss Olympic and the prevention program “cool and clean”, we encourage young people to train not only their bodies but also their inner strengths, their life skills – whether in the gym or outdoors.
The campaign with the motto “Be all kinds of strong” aims to promote the mental as well as the social skills of young people in 133 fitness facilities throughout Switzerland: All 116 ACTIV FITNESS studios and 17 fitness parks actively support the “cool and clean” campaign.
According to “cool and clean,” adolescents who are mentally and socially strong are less prone to doping mentality, muscle addiction, and other addictions (e.g., nicotine and tobacco addiction).
Learn more:
#coolandclean #allkindsofstrong
Win on Instagram one of ten vouchers worth CHF 100 each valid for ACTIV FITNESS and Fitnesspark! How can you participate in the raffle? It’s very simple:
Post a story on your Instagram account with your strongest friend and tag the account @coolandclean .
The deadline for participation is 28.08.2022.
Click here for the conditions of participation.