FitFact: Top 3 situations in the gym where you see/feel/become red

Turning red, feeling red, seeing red: red is intense like no other color on the palette of emotions. With red we associate the highest feelings, be it love, passion, combativeness or alarm. You’ve probably encountered situations in the gym where you felt one of the many expressions of red. Do any of the following top 3 sound familiar?

1) Erröten: Gewichte-Übersetzung von Pound (lb) in Kilogramm


You’re the pro in the gym, but you don’t know the 1×1 of weight translation. So you feel ashamed and run red whenever you try to calculate the correct number of weights. First in your head, but then with the help of the weight converter on your smartphone.

But hey, you don’t have to turn red because you’re not a (re)calculating pro. We all have problems with the Anglo-American measurement system, and even Trevor Noah, the South African comedian with Swiss roots, only understands Pound, whose abbreviation is “lb/lbs” – see for yourself from minute 4’45”:

2) Red is love: meeting your gym crush


Greatly styled, you’ll give yourself a full load of sore muscles every day, all in hopes of meeting your gym crush while working out. And whenever that happens, that warm, comforting feeling of crushing runs through you and you start dreaming of the next chapter of your gym romance.

3) There you see red: The battery of your headphones is down


How you are supposed to survive this now, you don’t really know yourself yet. The world seems to come to an end, at least for the next 60 minutes, when you have to listen not to your gym playlist, but – get this – to the gym’s music. In rage at yourself for forgetting to charge your headphones, you see red and run red to boot, grrrrr!

Stay cool and listen to the sounds of the gym for once, rather than deep inside yourself during your workout: maybe you discover a new favorite song, hear exciting gossip from your neighborhood, or become aware of your surroundings for once. After all, the sound of the gym can be so wonderful – and it whispers to you: come again, you busy gym bee!