FitFact: Top 3 tips against heart ache

September is often synonymous with post-holiday depression. Are vacation memories still running through your head? After romantic sunsets by the sea and sweet summer nights shared, did your vacation love not survive the return? We have collected three wellness and fitness tips to help you get through the breakup:

3) Time to yourself

Sauna relaxing in studio Activ Fitness

If you feel a lot of anger, you also need to know how to relieve the pressure. Our studios offer a wellness area for optimal relaxation: saunas, massages, spa treatments, etc. In 2019, a global study showed that saunas have positive effects on well-being and promote restful sleep. So relax, because you have deserved it after all these efforts!

2) Adapted training


Coaches are available to adapt your program to new needs. Incredible but true: The right intensity and technique can reduce stress and increase endurance. If you really need to blow off steam, you may need a super workout that makes you sweat more, without breaks or thoughts, to momentarily forget your heartache masked by the pain of muscle work! To learn more about risks or side effects, talk to your coaches or sports teachers.

1) Muscle strengthening through group classes


In group sessions, people overcome their limits faster, have more fun and feel a stronger sense of friendship and solidarity. Why not try a quieter discipline such as yoga or Pilates? Or, conversely, a “hard” sport like kick power (without having to kick and punch)? Whatever your choice, sports allows you to forget your frustration for a while and sweat out your worries! And the icing on the cake: Group fitness classes are an opportunity to meet new people… 😉